Physical Therapy Services
Certified Active Release Technique Provider
Certified Graston Technique® Provider
Certified Fascial Abrasion Technique Provider/Instructor
Runners Rehab, Fitness & Performance Programs
TPI Certified Rehab for Golfers and Golf Fitness Programs
Active Release Technique (ART) is considered the gold standard in soft tissue care. It is a patented, state-of-the-art soft tissue technique that is based on movement to treat problems in tendons, ligaments, fascia, muscles and nerves.
It is a go to treatment of mine on the track circuit and in the clinic to quickly improve and resolve back pain, shin splints, hip pain, plantar fasciitis, shoulder pain, tennis elbow and knee pain.
How it works:
First using movement, advanced palpation, and touch, I identify and locate the root of the cause of your issue.
Next using specific ART hands-on treatment protocols that target the involved tissue, I am able to improve function back to optimal while eliminating pain.
This technique can quickly resolve long-standing problems due to the nature that it targets both the dysfunctional movement and the specific tissue causing the pain.
As an ART practitioner, I am trained in how to identify and treat over 450 soft tissue structures.
Learn more about the Active Release Technique at:

Graston Technique® effectively breaks down scar tissue and reduces inflammation that causes pain and restricted mobility.
Used by a physical and occupational therapist, hand therapists, chiropractors and athletic trainers, the stainless steel instruments comb over and “catch” on fibrotic tissue, which immediately identifies areas of restriction.
The instruments enable clinicians to treat soft tissue lesions with the depth, pressure and specificity necessary to affect the condition at the site of the pain, as well as following the kinetic chain to find and treat the cause.
Once the tissue dysfunction has been identified, the instruments break up the scar tissue so it can be absorbed by the body.

Graston Technique® is clinically proven to achieve quicker and better outcomes in treating:
- Achilles Tendinosis/itis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cervical Sprain/Strain (Neck Pain)
- Fibromyalgia
- Lateral Epicondylosis/itis (Tennis Elbow)
- Lumbar Sprain/Strain (Back Pain)
- Medial Epicondylosis/it is (Golfer’s Elbow)
- Patellofemoral Disorders (Knee Pain)
- Plantar Fasciitis (Foot Pain)
- Rotator Cuff Tendinosis/itis (Shoulder Pain)
- Shin Splints
- Trigger Finger
Historically, the Graston Technique® has had positive outcomes in 75-90 percent of all conditions treated. It is equally effective in restoring function to acute and chronic injuries, and pre and postsurgical patients.
You can learn more about the Graston Technique® at
The Fascial Abrasion Technique specifically targets and loosens the fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that connects us from our toes to the top of our head, surrounds our muscles, provides most of our sensory feedback from structures called proprioceptors, and is responsible for both quality and quantity of movement.
Exercise tends to squeeze water out of the fascia, leaving it with areas that may become stiff and brittle as well as vulnerable to injury.
The FAT tool is unique in that it has a textured surface that helps lifts up the fascia and quickly teases loose the adhesions and allows the fascia to return to a more resilient and healthier version of its previous self. It never leaves bruising and is a light technique that is comfortable to the client.
Key benefits from the FAT are: improved mobility, improved motor control, improved proprioception and improved circulation.
Learn more about Fascial Abrasion Technique at:

Rapid Release Technology (RRT) is the “go-to” tool for soft tissue problems. Quick and painless, it targets scar tissue and adhesions associated with the fascia, tendinitis, muscle tightness, and muscle spasms with a vibrational frequency specific for restoring normal muscle tone, extensibility, and tissue health.
Vibration vs Percussion
A common question that I get asked is, how is the vibration from the Rapid Release Tool different than the tools that use percussion?
The key is that the rapid release tool creates 5 strokes for every 1 slower stroke of the percussion tools. This results in the vibration traveling deeper into the body than is possible with percussion.
Many of your proprioceptors in your body are designed to pay attention to vibration and the stimulus of these tiny receptors results in improved mobility, quality of movement as well as decreased pain.
Whether you are a professional athlete or a recreational athlete, RRT will give you the jump start on your recovery by targeting the stiff areas in your muscles that lead to decreased performance and injury.
Learn more about how the Rapid Release Technique can help you move out of pain here :

Muscle Energy is an osteopathic manual therapy technique that allows me to blend 3 key elements to diagnose structural dysfunction. These 3 elements are asymmetry of bony landmarks, altered range of motion and changes in tissue texture of the muscles, fascia, skin or ligament.
Armed with this information, I am able to identify the start of a motion restriction and have the client perform a light contraction of the dysfunctional muscle. This type of contraction is called an isometric contraction and it communicates with the neural system to change the tone in a muscle and restore the body back to normal function.
The name for the technique comes from the fact that the patient is using the energy (i.e., the isometric muscle contraction of their own muscles) to help relax and lengthen the muscles creating poor joint mechanics or altered movement patterns.
This is a gentle and very effective technique for low back, pelvis, sacral and neck issues.
Click here to earn more about Muscle Energy:

Movement with Mobilization takes normal joint mobilizations and levels them up. It is based on the concept that most injuries result in a minor positional fault leading to restrictions of normal movements and motions.
You can think of these positional faults as tracking problems when you go to move the injured joint. The more out of alignment a joint is…the more restricted and painful a movement will be.
These positional faults also mess with your proprioceptors (the receptors that help you’re your awareness in space) when a joint becomes compressed. Your body’s proprioceptors respond to stretch and if a side of a joint is compressed, the proprioceptors are essentially turned off creating more tracking issues.
Movement with mobilization in simplest terms is a technique that I use to correct minor joint positional faults by finding the best path through the joint that is pain free and provides normal functioning of the involved joint.
It is one of my favorite techniques for hips, knees, ankles, and feet although I do use it for all joints. Within 6-10 reps, a joints pain free mobility can be restored.
Click here to learn more about Movement with Mobilization:

Gait Analysis For Running & Training
Gait analysis is visually examining the interaction of the low back and the joints of the thighs, legs, and feet during the various stages of walking.
When performing a gait analysis various stages of walking are observed including, initial contact, loading response, mid stance, terminal stance, pre swing, mid swing, and terminal swing.
Many back, thigh, leg, ankle, and foot problems may be caused by or manifest themselves in subtle gait abnormalities.
Assessment of your gait will help uncover energy leaks, form issues and faulty movement patterns that can lead to injury or keep you in the injury cycle.
Armed with information on your form, cadence, and preferred movement patterns, Robyn will provide you with a picture of where you are at and how to make shifts to a more efficient runner or walker.
With training on running form, flexibility, core stability, cadence, and strength, you will find yourself running or walking with more joy and ease.

Running is one of my passions and I love helping runners overcome injuries and get back on the roads and trails.
I offer in depth rehab programs for common running injuries such as piriformis syndrome, ITBand syndrome, runner’s knee, achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis to name a few.
With my programs, I treat the root cause by assessing how well your body is functioning as a system for running. We also will take a look at how to optimize your form, posture, cadence, breathing, shoe wear, and overall mobility/stability programs.
You also can find tons of help on my website geared specifically for helping runners online.

Golf Fitness & Rehab
Robyn is certified in both golf fitness and as a golf medical provider by TPI (Titleist Performance Institute a leader in the golf industry for both).
Using a specific golf assessment screen designed by TPI, Robyn can identify flexibility, balance, strength, or agility issues that may be creating a painful or less efficient swing.
Once Robyn identifies your issues, she will correct them with both manual therapy and a golf-specific home exercise program. Never again will you have to wonder what stretches you should be doing before or after a round or what kind of strength exercises will help your golf game.
Click here to learn more:

Kinsiotaping is very comfortable, effective and versatile method of taping that Robyn uses with clients to:
- Decrease pain
- Reduce inflammation
- Improve lymphatics
- Supports weak zones
- Increase sensory input
- Retrain muscles
- Plantar fasciitis
- Patellar tendonitis
- Runner’s Knee
- ITBand Syndrome
- Neck & Back pain
- Shoulder pain
- Golfers and Tennis Elbow