Are you searching Muscle Energy provider Near By?

Robyn Pester Physical Therapy is a  muscle energy provider. 

Muscle Energy Technique is a gentle osteopathic manual therapy technique that that is used to help restore joint mechanics, optimize muscle tone, decrease pain and restore range of motion. It utilizes 3 key elements to diagnose structural dysfunction. These elements are asymmetry of bony landmarks, altered range of motion and changes in tissue texture of the muscles, fascia, skin or ligament.


Muscle Energy for Low back
Muscle Energy for Low back

How Muscle Energy Works:

Structural diagnosis is made by assessing asymmetry of bony landmarks, altered range of motion and changes in tissue texture of the muscles, fascia, skin or ligament.

Armed with this information, I am able to identify the start of a motion restriction and have the client perform a light contraction of the dysfunctional muscle. This type of contraction is called an isometric contraction and it communicates with the neural system to change the tone in a muscle and restore the body back to normal function.

The name for the technique comes from the fact that the patient is  providing the energy  (i.e., the isometric muscle contraction of their own muscles) to help relax and lengthen the muscles creating poor joint mechanics or altered movement patterns.

This is a gentle and very effective technique for low back, pelvis, sacral and neck issues.

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What body parts are treated?

MET can be used to treat pain, muscle spasms and altered joint mechanics found in the spine and extremities. 

  • Joints can have mild alterations in their alignment leading to where and tear, pain, and decreased mobility. Muscle energy helps to restore the “centration” of the joint…how aligned a joint. 
  • Muscles strains and pulls from overuse or trauma can affect any of your major muscle groups. This includes muscles in your neck and shoulders, back, and hamstrings. Muscle energy is an effective way to help “reset” the tension in muscles back to a more optimal tone. 
  • Neck, Lowback, Pelvis, SI joint, Hip, Ribcage, Shoulders and feet all respond well to MET. 
Neck pain muscle energy technique
Hip Pain and muscle energy technique manual therapy
Foot Pain and muscle energy technique manual therapy
Low back Pain and muscle energy technique manual therapy

Benefits of Muscle Energy Technique:

ART offers many benefits for anyone who has pain and other symptoms caused by soft tissue injuries either from sports, overuse, or trauma.

Benefits include:

reduce pain, reduce muscle tone, stretch tightened muscles, strengthen the weak muscles, improve local circulation and mobilize joint restrictions.

  • Lengthen short tight muscles
  • Decrease muscle tone
  • Decrease pain
  • Improve Circulation
  • Mobilize restricted joints
  • Improve strength of weak, inhibited muscles.